Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Fall Devotional - Is He Bigger?

I recently arrived home from an event weighed down by an oppressive amount of fear. The fears that feel like a weighted blanket over your whole body and soul. I poured over scripture, sang hymns, quoted truth, and poured out many prayers to the Father. As I wrestled through the slough of anxiety and fearfulness, a deep and sweet truth dawned in my heart. I was not allowing God to be big enough for me at that moment. All that I feared, I was laying upon myself to be the answer for. All that my heart was weighed with, I was taking responsibility for, it all depended upon me. I had squished God into a human-sized box and I was laying upon myself the control of the situation. What a falsehood to live under! Could I not but trust the sovereign, loving hand of my Heavenly Father? Could not my heart unburden itself to the One Who said "Casting
all your care upon Him; for He careth for you" (1 Peter 5:7) and believe that He was working all things for my good? A broken and pain-filled prayer emerged from my burdened heart to the effect of, "God, be big enough for me right now" Isaiah 40:12 became a soothing passage to my soul, "Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, and meted out the heaven with a span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighted the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance." My heart settled into a sweet rest in the surety of the Lord's care and sovereignty and what a transformation to my perspective and delight in the Lord's love and the ultimate control of my heart and life has come forth from this. 
I still have control over my decisions. It is my responsibility to be constantly abiding in the Spirit, discerning His will, and the decisions that I make to follow the Lord's direction or push against it do have an impact, either positively or negatively, but ultimately God's sovereignty will prevail. He is not slack concerning His promises (2 Peter 3:9) and Romans 8:28 is sure when it says, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose."

So my current anthem is "God is Bigger" and the Lord has been faithful and with the hand of the most Loving Father, He has continued to offer opportunities to embed this truth in my heart through other obstacles in life. His faithfulness endures and His love is everlasting! He will allow nothing in your life or mine that is not for our growth and benefit. What a Savior! Whatever impossible obstacle, broken relationship, insurmountable fears, or deepest pain you may be facing today, take this to heart...He is bigger! May we be moldable, attune to the movement of the Spirit, and ever trustful that our God is God above all gods...that He is bigger!

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