Friday, January 6, 2023

A Lesson in Trust

Belle is my cow. After arriving at the farm as our family's first milk cow,  Belle gradually became my particular project and my special friend. That has been over 10 years now and although Belle is a dinosaur in cow years, she still holds such a special place in my heart and life. 

Belle is due to calve soon, any day in fact, and earlier this week I brought her alone to a new pen so I could watch over her more easily, where she had a clean place to calve and so for her to be near to milk when the time came. Belle had grown accustomed to being a part of the herd and the sudden change to solitude did not sit well with her. She expressed this dissatisfaction with regular bawls and she generally acts discontented. I was outside the other day paying her a quick visit and as I walked back to the house, I had a spiritual analogy. 

Belle was standing at the gate, wishing to be released from the "prison" I had placed her in. I attempted to console her with the truth that as soon as she calved she would have the company she desired and would become perfectly content with her situation. In short, after a time, she would understand why I had her in the position that I did. 

Belle and I in 2018

As I turned my steps back toward the house, I made the connection between the physical example before me and z spiritual truth. Right now, there are things in life that don't make sense to me, areas that I wish were different. We all have things like that, but what would the Lord like to say to us? "My daughter, this will all make sense in time, you will simply have to trust Me with today." One day, all the confusion will be made clear, and out of the painful stones placed in our lives will be made into a beautiful memorial unto the Lord's work in our life, Jesus Christ being the Cornerstone. 

So take courage, take hope. His way is perfect (Deuteronomy 32:4) and He has promised to work EVERYTHING for good in life, even our mistakes He uses for His glory (Romans 8:28).

"Steadfastness, that is holding on;
Patience, that is holding back
Expectancy, that is holding the face up;
Obedience, that is holding one's self in readiness to go or do;
Listening, that is holding quiet and still so as to hear."

~S.D. Gordon "Quiet Talk on Prayer" 

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