Thursday, July 1, 2021

Family Life - June

Hello everyone! Happy July 1st! It is raining here, for which we are very thankful as we have been a little dry here. What is the weather like where you are? 

June was a good month. Jesus continues drawing me closer to Himself, teaching me, sharpening me, refining me, making me most dependent upon Him, and I pray I am more like Christ than I was in May.   

The rest of the family? Well, I pray for my family that we all have Jesus as the center of our lives, but as for daily life, here is an update from our last few weeks. June was busy for the Smith family! We had some visits from out of state guests, some traveling, we farmed, a special event occurred for our family, but especially my sister =), playing outside in the sun, grocery shopping, regular laundry, and all the quirks to large family life. So, here's to June!

On May 29th, I flew down to Florida for a week of ministry in women's prisons! 
It was over 18 months since I had been in prison (ha!), but in this case, I gladly say I 
am a multiple offender! =) It was such a blessing to be back in prison and it was an incredible week of watching God do the work of breaking the bonds of sin that hold captive. 

We 4 gals all safely arrived at the airport in Panama City!

After over 18 months of relying on calls, texts, and FaceTime to keep in touch, 
I was reunited in person with my friend AmyGrace who started prison ministry
with me  3 years ago. It was wonderful to be with this special girl again. 

The 3 Amigas! This was MaryEllen's (far right) last trip for now as we
celebrate her upcoming marriage! I was so thankful to be able to spend that
last week with her though. She was (and always has been) such an encouragement and support for me.

Most of the team from the June 2021 trip.

Just a few days after I got home, we shipped out a load of cattle.

Snoopy was having a hard day. =)

I had such a special time visiting with my cousin Matthew's special gal, Katie. 
We had a delightful 2 hours together walking and talking about life and Jesus. 

Drumroll, please! We have an engagement in the Smith family! 
Stephen Seaford proposed to my older sister Emma on the 18th! 
We are excited for them and all that God is going to do through them.

Father's Day 2021

Dad was able to speak at my cousin Chase's high school graduation. 

The awarding of the diploma! Congratulations Chase! We are so proud of you!

It's wild blackberry season again and we are back on the job!

I am grateful for June. Was it perfect? No, but Christ is and that is enough. May He be glorified even more in July. 


  1. Hey Madeline,
    I always enjoy reading your monthly family posts and seeing all the pictures. Looks like you had a busy, but fun month! I am so thrilled for Emma on her recent engagement. That is so exciting, and I’m sure y’all will have lots of fun wedding planning. :)
    The prison ministry sounds Ike a great opportunity. Is there a certain group you go with? How long is it for?


  2. Hi Madeline!!! Oh, I love being able to keep up with your family, and see pictures from your life. Thank you so much for sharing, and thank you for sharing all of the encouragement and lessons that God teaches you as well!♥

    Wow! A huge congratulations to Emma (and to your whole family) on her recent engagement!!! I will be praying for them during this exciting, new, special season!!♥ I can hardly wait to hear the details! ;)

    Thank you again for your posts, Madeline! I hope this finds you very refreshed and encouraged in God's LOVE for you! Sending a big hug.
    Love + Blessings,
    ~Martha Joy
