Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Family Life Update - November and December

November and December flew by on wings. Along with the regular routine of home, school, and farm life, fun and/or significant highlights dotted the 2 months. 

Early November, we celebrated Dad's birthday. We took some time in the afternoon to travel around the farm and testify to the Lord's goodness to our family through the farm, for all the past years, but especially 2020. Equipment He had provided, the growth of the cattle herd, customers who called "randomly" wishing to purchase cattle, unique pedigreed bulls that we have been allowed to own, etc. 

Just me and my Belle.

Office work while visiting my grandmother.

Blessed by homegrown cabbages from some friends, 
I gratefully make saurkraut.

Our Christmas picture for 2020.

Christmas looked a little different this year as a winter storm pushed through Christmas Eve night and continued through Christmas Day. Due to this, we were unable to travel as usual so we postponed Christmas with Mom's family until the weekend, Mom brought Grandma down to be with us, and we spent Christmas Day keeping everything warm and fed. 

Dad wanted to get our dog, Snoopy, a sweater during the holidays.
We popped him into it and let him ride around in the truck with us. 
Yes, he is spoiled rotten. 

Doctoring a bad eye.

The four of us (plus Snoopy), crammed in the truck to keep warm, headed to the barn. 

Christmas night with Grandma.

And so we entered 2021!

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